How Your Donations Can Help This Year
We are always striving to ensure our trips are as safe and enjoyable as we can make them; here are some of the ways your donations will help us this year.
This year we need to replace the batteries on Dandelion; we’re looking at more reliable options to reduce the maintenance burden on our volunteers. A donation of, or donations amounting to, £300 could purchase replacement batteries to keep us energised!
Halseyon Days requires its hull to be painted this year; this is a large undertaking requiring the boat to be lifted out of the water, dried, prepped and painted. Your donation could contribute to the estimated cost of £2,000 to complete this work and keep Halseyon Days watertight for many years to come.
At the Baldwin Trust, we endeavour to keep costs low for all our users. For some groups, the only way they can join us for a trip is through our ‘Supported Cruises’ scheme. The scheme means that some or all the cost of a trip, including transport to and from the starting point, is paid for through kind donations. A donation of £200 would give a group the chance to join us and benefit from therapeutic time on the water.
We keep our boats in tip top condition, with our volunteers scrubbing the decks (and tables, chairs, kitchen, and toilet!) between trips so that all our visitors get a first-class experience. A donation of £15 will help us keep the cleaning cupboard stocked with essentials (and the toilet stocked with loo roll!).
The Baldwin Trust have been serving the community for over 40 years and all involved want to keep that going for the next 40 years or more! A donation of any size will support that future planning.
Your donations make a massive difference to what we can do. Thank you for considering making a donation to the Baldwin Trust today.